Assistant or Associate Professor in Green Finance fra Roskilde Universitet


BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

Offering a high-performing, large and truly interdisciplinary social science environment, the Department of Social Sciences and Business (ISE), Roskilde University (RUC), invites applications for a position as assistant professor or associate professor in Green Finance. The position is available from February 1, 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter. The position as assistant professor is limited to 3 years.

Our department looks to develop its research and teaching in green finance. We welcome applicants with an interdisciplinary background in the fields of economics and management. The candidate must be able to teach both orthodox and heterodox approaches to finance. We are particularly interested in applicants who seek an interdisciplinary research and education environment and who wants to contribute to developing our teaching and research in green finance.

ISE conducts interdisciplinary, collaborative and socially engaged research based on anthropology, business studies, development studies, economics, legal studies, political science, and sociology. We offer an innovative and interdisciplinary university environment characterized by academic and methodological diversity in research and education. Our department’s researchers put emphasis on research methodologies, and they share a commitment to gaining insights into businesses and society in diverse contexts of change and global engagement. We produce research at the highest international level that feeds into our educational programmes, while simultaneously leveraging our research to impact social, economic, and political change. Research in the department is organised in research groups. The selected candidate is expected to work closely with for instance economists, political scientists, sociologists, and anthropologists in one of these groups. Read more about the department here.

Responsibilities and tasks
The substance of the work is the same regardless of whether the candidate is hired as assistant or associate professor. Yet there are some differences as to the responsibilities and tasks:

If hired as assistant professor, we expect you to develop a field of expertise by adding new significant elements to your doctoral thesis and to publish in leading journals in finance/economics. We further expect you to participate in a research group and to contribute to the research culture in the department (academic citizenship). Your daily work will primarily include research and research-based classroom teaching and project supervision with associated examination obligations at BA and MA level in our Business Studies programmes and our brand new Socioeconomics programme. In addition to research and research-based teaching, the position involves sharing knowledge with the rest of society including participation in the public debate. The position as assistant professor entails an obligatory educational training programme that will give you pedagogical and didactic tools as well as familiarize you with the educational model of the University of Roskilde called Problem-oriented project learning (PPL).

If hired as associate professor, we expect that you maintain a steady rate of research publications. Besides the tasks of an assistant professor, we further expect you to attract research grants and other types of external funding, manage research projects, provide supervision of PhD students and guidance to post docs and assistant professors, participate actively in research groups, contribute to the development of our teaching activities as well as to take part in academic assessments and other tasks requested by the department. The position as associate professor entails a short (5 hrs) obligatory introduction to the educational model of the University of Roskilde called Problem-oriented project learning (PPL).

The ideal candidate at the level of assistant professor

  • The ideal candidate at the level of assistant professor is expected to
  • develop a field of expertise beyond the scope of the doctoral thesis
  • accomplish research meeting international standards
  • contribute to the development of the research profile of the department
  • collaborate with colleagues in establishing a vibrant research community
  • contribute to relevant teaching programmes
  • contribute to the long-term well-being of the department
  • perform minor administrative tasks, and to
  • complete the educational training programme “Certificate of University Teaching and Learning’ (CUTL).

Qualifications at the level of assistant professor
Applicants at the level of assistant professor must hold a relevant PhD degree (finance or economics). The ideal candidate matches most of the following characteristics:
  • Documented research qualifications within finance and/or economics – preferably with a focus on green finance
  • documented research production at an international level, including publications in the field’s internationally recognized journals/publishing houses
  • teaching experience at bachelor and master level within finance and/or economics
  • teaching potential in quantitative methods applied to finance and economics, and
  • a keen interest in project-oriented learning and teaching in an interdisciplinary environment.

The ideal candidate at the level of associate professor
The ideal candidate at the level of associate professor is expected to
  • demonstrate evidence of a steady rate of publications, a progression in publications over time, as well as current research activity in the form of recent publications at high international level,
  • accomplish research and engage in research cooperation meeting high international standards,
  • enhance the international recognition of the research of the department,
  • engage in external fundraising to increase funds for the department,
  • play a role in executing and developing the educational programmes of the department,
  • contribute to the administrative responsibilities of the department,
  • participate in the department’s communication with the broader public,
  • take responsibility for the long-term well-being of the department and Roskilde University at large
  • actively contribute to the research environment by a visible and physical presence at the department, and
  • promote Roskilde University’s academic reputation.

Qualifications at the level of associate professor
Applicants at the level of associate professor must hold a relevant PhD degree (finance or economics). The ideal candidate matches the following characteristics:
  • International research profile within finance with particular focus on green transition
  • Documented research production at an international level, including publications in the field’s internationally recognized journals/publishing houses
  • Teaching experience in finance and/or economics
  • Teaching experience in quantitative methods applied to finance and economics
  • A keen interest in project-based teaching and teaching in an interdisciplinary environment.
  • The candidate should be able to document pedagogical qualifications, good teaching evaluations, and the ability to innovate within the educational field.

The ideal candidate at either level shall furthermore be enterprising and possess good communication skills and be a visible involved participant in the department’s daily activities, in addition to being willing to engage in disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration across the department. Read more about faculty expectations here.

Ability to teach in Danish is a great asset and successful candidates who do not speak Danish (or possibly Swedish or Norwegian) will be requested to acquire the necessary skills in Danish within the first two years of service, so as to ensure that they can participate satisfactorily in teaching activities as well as in academic and administrative activities at the university. At the time of appointment, successful candidates must master English for academic purposes.

In the assessment consideration will be given to:
  • Research topic
  • Scientific production at an international level
  • Research potential
  • Experience in teaching and education
  • Other academic experience e.g. from organizing research conferences or seminars
  • Ability to contribute to development of the department’s internal and external cooperation

For further information about the position, please contact Associate Dean for Education and Dean appointed ad interim Bodil Damgaard (+45) 4674 2251 /

Terms of employment
The employment is full time and you will refer to the Dean of Social Sciences.

The position will be filled according to the Agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC) and Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities.

Application procedure
After the deadline for applications the Dean will shortlist applicants for assessment with assistance from the recruitment committee including the chairperson of the assessment committee.

Shortly after the application deadline all applicants will be notified whether or not their application has been selected for assessment.

The shortlisted applicants will be informed about the composition of the assessment committee, and each applicant will be given the opportunity to comment on the composition of the committee and - later on - their assessment.

Once the recruitment process is completed, all applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application.

To apply for the position go to

Only applications in English are accepted.

Applications must include:

1. Cover letter in which the applicant must clearly indicate whether the application concerns an assistant professor position, associate professor position or both positions

2. CV

3. Documentation of education

4. Teaching portfolio (read more about teaching portfolio at Roskilde University here)

5. A complete list of publications

6. A maximum of 5 relevant scientific works that you want included in the assessment - If any of the publications that you want included in the assessment are the result of a joint effort, the extent and the nature of your contribution to each individual work must then be clarified in a co-author statement (find template here)

7. Research plan (Max 2 pages).

Please submit your application no later than October 29, 2023.

Material received after this date will not be taken into consideration.

Roskilde University wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.



- Arbejdspladsen ligger i:

Roskilde Kommune

-Virksomheden tilbyder:


Roskilde Universitet, Universitetsvej, 4000 Roskilde


Ansøgningsfrist: 29-10-2023; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

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Denne artikel er skrevet af Emilie Bjergegaard og data er automatisk hentet fra eksterne kilder, herunder JobNet.
Kilde: JobNet